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Hellenic International Study of the Arts

Our school building! Below is the door to our sculpting studio and at the top of the stairs is the door to our Greek class! The school is about a 20min walk from our apartments!

Sculpting studio!  ⬇️

Classroom we take Greek language in! ⬇️

Back door to the sculpting studio! ⬇️

Outside of our Greek language class! ⬇️

View from the roof of our school! ⬇️

On the roof! ⬇️

Painting studio! ⬇️

Thrift store mirror ⬇️

Cute little horse we found! ⬇️

Here are some videos that we have taken in the last month!! Just click the links below:) they might take a while to load just wait about 15 seconds!


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